I (L. Weatherspoon) was leaving a restaurant with a large bag of leftovers I had planned to eat later. My daughter also had a large plate of leftovers, plus an extra sandwich and fries. We both were so excited that we finally were able to go to this new restaurant that served the best Philly CheeseSteaks ever. The restaurant served large portions. We could not eat all the food in one sitting, so we had leftovers to take with us. When I got in the car with my daughter I saw a homeless man walking in the cold eating a piece of a pretzel ( like you would get from Auntie Anne’s). He only had maybe half of a piece in his hand. He dropped the piece he broke off to eat on the dirty muddy ground. I watched as he picked it up and began to eat it. He then saw two other homeless people walking toward him. He asked them if they wanted a piece. They smiled with excitement and nodded their head up and down really fast. The man shared with them a piece of the pretzel. I looked at my daughter and said I’m going to give them my sandwich and a side of onion rings. I rolled the window down and asked if they would like to have my sandwich.  They looked at me with so much gratitude. Yes, they both said, nodding yes over and over. They ran over to the car. I reached into the back seat to take my sandwich plate out of the bag my daughter and I were sharing, and then she said, “No Mom give them the whole bag”. We had bought extra sandwiches to eat the next day, but the joy that filled our hearts, all the food in that bag could never fill us up with the feeling we shared that day. The two left sending, God bless you to me and my daughter over and over again. They shared the sandwiches with the man who shared the pretzel with them. We as people of God must remember the scriptures and obey them. As I am typing this event I am reminded of two scriptures. The first was Saint Matthew 26:11 and the other was Saint Matthew 25:31-40. Those scriptures reminded me that the poor will be with us always. The other was when we give to our brother and sister we are giving to God. When we gave our food away, I was seeing a man who was eating off the ground and feeding another man and woman from the small piece that he had. My heart spoke and I had to obey. I didn’t think about fulfilling God’s Word, it was in me to serve them. When God’s Word is in you, you don’t have to think twice or wonder What Would Jesus Do. It will just come naturally. I thank God for getting me to the place in Him where I don’t have to wonder what to do. I just DO! This day and every day my prayer is that God will use me for His Glory. I don’t have much, but like the poor man, I share what I do have.

We are here to serve and help the community. NARCAN training available. Contact us at 815.582.7828.

Family International Outreach Ministries supports the making of this movie. After meeting with the producer of this movie we are joining together to fight the opioid pandemic.  Keep watching for the premier coming to Joliet.

Trailer – “The Sixteen”


Check out the teaser trailer for “The Sixteen” – An Opioid Addiction Story

“The Sixteen” is an independent film project which tackles the opioid addiction epidemic. “The Sixteen,” tells the story of sixteen-year-old Gianna and her friends, a group of high-achieving, healthy, vivacious teenagers who, innocently, dabble in the use of opioid pills, ultimately leading them to the dark underworld of heroin/fentanyl addiction. Each teen’s path leads to devastating consequences in which lives and families are destroyed. Our mission is to use the film to raise awareness and help with the prevention of opioid use by featuring an intense, raw, realistic view of what this type of addiction looks like in action.